I’m going around this world baby mine

Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn cover epic hit ‘The Final Countdown’ on banjos

It was november of the last year when I started my banjo lessons, after one year or more spent on falling in love with this instrument and a bunch of great players.

Among them were Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn.
Their first album togheter had been just released and I listened to it a thousand times. But most of all, I loved watching them on stage (on youtube of course, because I’m here and they are THERE) because it’s not just the music I seek for: I want the alchemy and the smiles and the joy of playing together.

Just look at them :)

Well, if someone had told to me that within a year I would go at a Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn concert, here in Milan, without going chasing them around in the United States; and that I would have been there in the company of my banjo teacher Danilo, who has since become also a friend… well, I would have laughed with disbelief.
And now I’m counting the days (one week!) and smiling with anticipation. Life is good, and like someone used to say: “there is always music in the air”.

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As long as my heart keeps pumping blood. [my close encounter with Augustines]

Augustines[IMPORTANT: I never wrote an entire post in English. I’m sure it’s awful, but I wanted to try. I never wrote something like that about a music band either, because I’m not that expansive as a fan, usually. But things change, aren’t they?
So please be patient, and do help me with some editing, if you feel like it]


Wednesday morning, heading back to Milan, staring outside from my window seat, headphones in (no need to ask what I’m listening, right?), some random thoughts.

That was the tiniest concert venue I’ve been in. And I’m selfish, I know, but I was SO glad that only few people were there, and that the front row was waiting for me, even if I arrived late (damn late trains).
[Speaking of transports: I called a cab to reach the Off. The driver asked me if I was going to the gig, and then: “I picked those guys yesterday at their arrival. Very nice and funny.” I always loved the little insignificant coincidences of life.]

I sipped my beer watching the tiny stage, in anticipation. They’re going to be right in front of me, close enough to reach them with my voice. In fact I did it, I offered to Eric my italian translation of It’s fucking hot ;)
It was fucking hot indeed.

Billy McCarthy is pure energy that streams directly from his heart through his arms, to the guitar. His legs can’t stand still. And this voice, so loud and raw… you can’t believe that a man can scream so hard and still sing with such intensity and precision. And oh, he has the whitest teeths! Or maybe were the lights, I don’t know, but I could not help focusing on that at some moments.

Eric Sanderson, his smile is a whole-face-smile, so sweet…and contagious. And I’ve had plenty last night. Watching him play and sing and jump (and, oh god, he jumps!) with such passion, no matter what he’s playing – bass, keyboards,  guitar – is contagious too. And… yes, he is as handsome as I imagined. Last time in London I was too far to check. Now I can say it :)

Rob Allen is as loud and energetic with his drums as he seems quiet and shy. He is the kind of person that, once they started playing acoustic in the middle of the lawn, with all the people sitting around, cared to not turn his back to us, or cover our view. It makes you want to hug him.

They gave us good fucking rock, they gave us funny and intense stories, they gave us the intimacy of a concert among friends on a summer night.

This is the kind of gig – and I’m not simply speaking about the venue – in which you can really sing along, distinctly hear your voice blend with the others. In which you can hear the noise of the pick strumming on the chords and the pounding of the feet on the stage, and feel a real sort of connection, lift your eyes and find that the drummer is smiling at you while singing. A gig in which the band members let themselves literally be embraced by the crowd.

And this is the sort of night in which at the end the band members (oh, Eric, but where were you?) join the few people still hanging around for a beer, a chat and some pictures (I had mine, of course, but it’s for me and me alone).

I regret not having told Billy that their songs speak to me in a way I rarely experienced before, that I cry everytime I listen to Walkabout, and hearing it that night, so intense and so close to me, was almost overwhelming. But full of joy. And that I’m eager to see Rise, and maybe find myself into the crowd of the Roundhouse, in what was maybe the first place in my best-concerts-ever…until yesterday night.

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3 sorprese e una presa di coscienza


[Guitar Workshop at Italian Bluegrass Meeting – Sarzana, 29/05/2015]

UNO. La soddisfazione più grande del mio weekend passato probabilmente è stata sentirmi dire da due signore americane che il mio inglese è “beautiful”. Hanno detto proprio così, e anche che amavano il mio accento.

Per una che l’inglese non lo parla mai, se non da sola quando legge ad alta voce o canta, capirete che è decisamente notevole. Devo essermi gonfiata d’orgoglio così tanto che non capisco come tutti gli altri non siano stati strizzati via dal locale in cui eravamo seduti.

DUE. Che le persone che mi capita di conoscere, e con cui trascorro del tempo, anche dopo settimane siano convinte che io non raggiunga i 30 anni, è forse ancora più incredibile. Sto cominciando a chiedermi se questo non dimostrare l’età non rischi di ritorcermisi contro, prima o poi. Le persone magari pensano “ah guarda questa, neanche 30 anni e quante cose che ha fatto”, o cose del genere. E poi scoprono che ne ho quasi 40 e… crolla l’entusiasmo :)

Scherzo. Sentirmi definire una con una gran testa, poi, è stata un’altra di quelle cose sorprendenti del weekend, soprattutto perché veniva da una donna che conosco ancora poco, ma della quale penso esattamente lo stesso.

TRE. Gli introversi fanno fatica a relazionarsi con le altre persone, soprattutto in contesti nuovi e se non hanno i tempi e gli spazi giusti. Verissimo. Per questo metterne insieme due, sconosciuti in un luogo sconosciuto, a condividere un’esperienza nuova e una casa mai vista prima, può essere una catastrofe, tipo che si gettano dalla finestra in stile lemming dopo 10 minuti. Oppure succede che trovano reciprocamente il ritmo e il modo giusto per ritrovarsi, dieci minuti dopo, a fare la spesa e poi a cucinare raccontandosi le storie delle proprie vite. E che vada talmente bene che poi tutti gli altri, al vederli, credano che si tratti di amici di lunga data.

Le persone sono meravigliose. E voi, stasera, abbracciate il vostro introverso.

E adesso veniamo alle cose serie. Al Bluegrass Meeting, alla mia seconda timida jam session, agli accordi che finalmente comincio a prendere, ai workshop che ho ascoltato senza tirare fuori lo strumento (ma raccogliendo storie, suggerimenti e perle di saggezza come quella lassù), alla lezione nella casetta a due passi dalla Fortezza (che tutti ci invidiavano!), in cui ho suonato a una velocità che non immaginavo di poter avere, alle chiacchierate a tavola con belle persone che della musica hanno fatto – e fanno – la loro vita.

La presa di coscienza è molto semplice, banale e implacabile: devo suonare. Suonare con gli altri, fuori dalla mia stanzetta, fuori dalla mia bolla. Aiuto.

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I did (most of) the #aprillove2015 project, and I liked it

April Love 2015

Ora che faccio i conti vedo che ho saltato circa 9 giorni: non avevo tempo, non avevo connessione, molto più spesso non avevo ispirazione. Ma va bene lo stesso, mi piacciono e mi somigliano e vederle raccolte insieme è divertente.

Ci sono parecchie parti di me, nel senso letterale di mani e piedi eccetera. Ci sono libri e citazioni, il nuovo origami che ho imparato, c’è parecchia neve – che cosa meravigliosa, per una rassegna di foto di aprile – una moderata quantità di cibo, raramente cucinato dalla sottoscritta, un bel po’ di tazze e tazzine. Il banjo son riuscita a infilarcelo dentro almeno un paio di volte, con grande maestria.

#Aprillove2015 è questa cosa qui 

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